As discussed in Part I of this four part series, there are many factors that will affect the health and cost of health insurance in the future. What will be most important to each company and the typical consumer? What is the single most important factor? In this article we will answer these questions and more to provide a general guideline on what best health insurance companies of the future will offer their clients. This article will also touch upon some of the other critical factors that will have an impact.

The Best Health Insurance Companies of 2021

What types of medical conditions will be covered by the health insurance companies of the future? What kinds of hospitalization and outpatient services will the companies offer? How about prescription drug coverage? What about dental care? How about infertility and/or child-birth costs? The answers to all these questions and more will determine which health insurance company will be the "best" for you and your family.

The first area that will have an immediate impact on the best health insurance companies of the future will be the company's willingness to cover all health-related expenses. Right now the average company health insurance policy only covers the most essential health related expenses. This leaves a lot of people without a good health plan because they are unable to afford the premiums.

Will the best health insurance companies of the future provide comprehensive coverage for prescription drugs? What about birth control? And cosmetic surgery? Today's policies generally only offer a few basic services and often at very high costs.

The next category that will be critically affected by the best health insurance companies of the future will be the preventive care that is offered. It seems like every day there is another new health problem that is created or prevents someone from functioning properly. From cancer to heart disease, to Alzheimer's and diabetes, it seems as though something is just not working right. A healthy routine will not always prevent illness and it will often times require the best health insurance companies of the future to step in and provide for proper medical care.

One other category of services that the best health insurance companies of the future will provide will be preventive care for pregnancy. Right now an expectant mother is not able to get any money for prescription medications or regular checkups until her baby is born. This can cause some major health issues down the road and may cost a woman a lot of money. Fortunately, it looks as if this issue will be one that is going to be addressed very soon. Even today, some pregnant women receive their medical care through state-funded programs.

Medical coverage for children is also something that the best health insurance companies of the future will provide. Right now if a child has been diagnosed with a serious illness it could potentially cause financial ruin. Even if it doesn't, the financial burden would be difficult to deal with for a parent. Hopefully, all of this will change by then.

As you can see the best health insurance companies of the future are focusing on prevention. The best of them have already implemented some of these preventive measures but the more of these companies that get into the picture the better off we will be as a nation. By providing for the overall well being of society this way we can all stay relatively safe and keep our government finances within manageable bounds.

It's important to note that even the best health insurance companies of the future aren't likely to be the cheapest. This is because in order for them to remain financially stable they must attract a wide variety of clients. This means that they must strive to offer low rates regardless of how high a risk of a client may be. Otherwise, they aren't really companies that anyone wants to do business with. They are too big to fail.

However, as this happens it becomes more important than ever to make sure that we take a close look at the coverage offered by these best health insurance companies of the future. What sort of things should we expect? Well, for starters it's highly likely that we will begin to see a greater emphasis put on preventive care. While this won't necessarily mean that we'll be able to avoid contracting high risk diseases the costs of treating them will go down. If we don't already have it in our health care plans then it's highly likely that we will in the future.

For the best health insurance companies of the 21st century it's really important to understand the value of prevention. This means that we shouldn't be looking for a great health plan that offers us everything in one shot. Rather, we should be hunting down a plan that allows us to choose the best providers and then decide how far we want to go back. A good plan will still allow us to get the care we need while saving us money in the process, but only if we choose wisely.